Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
The IFABS 2025 Oxford conference is organised in collaboration with Conference Chairs from Bank of England, Federal Reserve Board, European Central Bank, University of Oxford, Imperial College London and University of Nottingham on the overall theme of
"The Path to Financial Resilience: Overcoming Challenges in an Evolving Global Landscape"
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
15-17 April 2025
Thomas Noe, University of Oxford
Meryem Duygun, University of Nottingham
Ricardo Correa, Federal Reserve Board
Manfred Kremer, European Central Bank
Eddie Gerba, Bank of England & LSE
José-Luis Peydró, Imperial College London
The Conference theme is "The Path to Financial Resilience:Overcoming Challenges in an Evolving Global Landscape". We welcome submissions of empirical and theoretical research in all areas of banking, finance and monetary economics. For this year’s conference, we particularly encourage papers on the following topics:
Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning
Asset management
Asset pricing and financial engineering
Behavioral finance
Business models and balance sheet structures
Capital markets
Climate change and green finance
Corporate finance
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Corporate governance
Digital money/finance and effects on the monetary system
Diversity in the financial sector
Ethical finance
Finance for economic growth and recovery
Financial contagion and systemic risk
Financial inclusion and financial education
Financial institutions and markets: issues in monetary & economic policy
Financial institution and markets: coping with inflation
Financial institutions and markets: geopolitical risks
Financial institution and markets: monetary tightening
Financial regulation and supervision (capital adequacy, proportionality, etc.)
Financial reporting
Financial risk management
Financial stability and macroprudential policy
Financial stability and monetary policy
Financial turmoil and external extreme shocks (Covid-19, warfare scenarios, etc.)
Macro-financial linkages
Public and infrastructure finance
Sustainable finance
SMEs finance and growth
Submission procedure:
Please use the ConfTool link to submit your paper: https://www.conftool.com/ifabs2025-oxford
The deadline for submitting completed papers (preferably), or very detailed abstracts is 10 March 2025.
March 17th, 2025: Deadline for paper submissions
March 22nd, 2025: Notification of acceptance
March 31st , 2025: Deadline for early registration for presenters
April 15th - 17th, 2025: Conference dates
The Conference Committee welcomes proposals for special sessions, roundtables, and panels. Please email your proposals to info@ifabsglobal.com by 10 March, 2025.
In line with the IFABS tradition, there will be 2 best paper awards: IFABS Best Paper Award and the IFABS Best PhD Paper Award